Cultivation & Group of Farmers

Καλλιέργεια & Ομάδα Παραγωγών
Καλλιέργεια & Ομάδα Παραγωγών
Καλλιέργεια & Ομάδα Παραγωγών
Καλλιέργεια & Ομάδα Παραγωγών
Καλλιέργεια & Ομάδα Παραγωγών
Καλλιέργεια & Ομάδα Παραγωγών

A characteristic feature of the company, as the toponym in the logo implies, is the extensive activity in the wider area of Mountain Taygetus. The raw herbal material comes not only from the Group of Farmers but also from the leased fields of the company, with a total area of 120 acres at 1000m altitude.

The relationship between the company and the Group of Farmers is ensured by entering into a contract farming agreement.

The crops are very close to the natural environment where herbs grow naturally, thus we get excellent organoleptic characteristics, such as color, smell, taste.

The available acres are gradually being established with the plant material propagated in the greenhouse facilities, under the constant supervision of the agronomist.

Ask us!

For orders and more information about our activity, please send your message and we will reply as soon as possible.